Ambassadors of Raytown
We collect, preserve, and share to keep the history of Raytown moving forward to tomorrow.
Board of Directors
Charlotte Belger
Ted BowmanJudy BriggsNancy FergusonEarlene JamesonPat McGranahanTeresa McGranahan
Alan OttoPaul Whitney
Charlotte Belger
President and Archivist
Charlotte can't escape Raytown and we're lucky for that. She was captured in this photo during an event at the Yellow Rock Barn.
Linda Kincaid
Website Photographer
Another Raytown gem. Linda is an extraordinary photographer. Her pictures speak for themselves.
Notecards displaying Linda's photography, and benefiting the Museum, can be purchased in our Gift Shop.
Key Volunteers
Some Raytown Historical Society members are always there when you need them. If there's a job to do, their hands are raised.
Katherine Johnson
Debris Monitor...and more
Earlene, Harry, and Ted
Museum Guides
Gary & Janeil Egger
Landscape Architects
Mike Burke
Facebook Master